Thursday, November 26, 2009

finally come back from the hospital 3day 2 night

1st day
i woke up at 6.30am cos i feeling headache then eat thing then 7.10 i eat panedol then 7.30 i go band then i play instrument then after tat 10.30am i felt stomach crum then when i was playing b flat concect skill then i go ask for medical oil then i go toilet put oil then i seat down at hall then suddenly i felt very very pain poking my stomach then i was crying in pain my hand was shivering then jeremy call my brother then some of my friend call teacher then teacher come and ask me can i walk then my whole body numb then cannot move then mdm shanti come and ask me wat happen then i say stomach pain
then my mum come school le then ambulance come then send me to kk hospital then doctor ask ask then x-RAY then wait until 2 pm then go to the ward then my mum and my bro go home then i go sleep until next morning.
2nd day
i woke up at 5am then i see tv until 8+ then injection then watch tv until 5pm then the doctor say cannot eat then i tok to my bro friend then i watch tv then 9pm i go sleep before i sleep i saw some thing black in colour flew behind the bed then i quickly switch on the light then i go sleep
3th day
then see tv eat eat eat then go home

sorri to make those who are worried for me and don nid to be worried
and so long nv tag hahas
wish wensong from china safety come back to singapore

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