Monday, October 5, 2009

yesterday 4/10/2009 & today 5/10/2009

er yesterday morning wake up time 12.10pm then i and my mum go bedok inter eat KFC hot box nice sia then eat hot devil (but not spicy at all) then go shopping at sheng siong then buy thingy then then go my ah ma house then tok tok hokkien then i donno wat my mum and ah ma toking then i say huh huh then tat all then take taxi to my house .

er today morning wake up time 7.25am then i thought today got exam then i nvr bring any thing to school then at bus i saw ying jie then i thought i will be late for prefect morning meeting then first period science i go turn mr boon(siong) mic to max echo then he tok got the sound double time then mother touge we go see chinese movies then recess er no one go duty then i joke joke then cpa the mr chan say never bring book stay outside then i stay then he say can go in then i say i lost my book then the teacher say copy the mind map on the board then i copy then copy finish le then i lend my paper to sahul then i ask mr chan got free time then he say don hav then in 8 second then he say free time then PE i never bring PE then punish then after school.I,gary,mark,boon siong,wensong walk to inter X gaming register.then go boon siong house help him do his thing.the end

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